As of August, 2019, we use GIT for version control. You can browse our repository using the "tree" view from gitbox in your web browser. The at provides useful information on how to download and build Apache OpenOffice.
The previous svn repository, now read only, using Apache Subversion for version control is still viewable in your web browser.
Currently, subversion is still used for the two OpenOffice web sites. See our Subversion Basics for more information on using subversion (svn) for the Apache OpenOffice project.
Instructions provided in from can be used successfully to get a local copy of the complete source for Apache OpenOffice.
This will get you everything, including the language files:
svn co aoo
Including SVN overhead, this requires approximately 4 GB of storage.
An archive of the source for the latest release can be obtained from the Apache Software Foundation repository:
We host an OpenGrok instance for our main repository areas.
See the Apache OpenOffice Building Guide page for an overview on building.
The Development Snapshots builds page, pre-release builds, also provide additional information on building.
See Development Snapshot Builds: Full installation sets, pre-release builds, or Development Builds, nightly builds from the buildbots, for complete installation sets for available platforms.
Install developer builds to a new directory if you don't want to overwrite your existing Apache OpenOffice installation.
The Apache OpenOffice Gitbox site provides useful statistics on code contributions and changes.
For larger, extensive code modifications, specialized branches are created. These branches can also be found in our git repository.