We're looking for users interested in test driving our new Apache OpenOffice 4.1 Beta Release. The beta can be downloaded from our website (use the yellow box).
We release Beta versions of OpenOffice to get early feedback from users. Beta versions may have more bugs than our final GA releases and may not be suitable for tasks which require the highest level of stability. Beta versions are recommended for experienced users who are willing to share their feedback with the OpenOffice project.
The 4.1.0 Beta features:
- Mac OS X version is now 64-bit and requires OS X version 10.7 or above.
- Integrated iAccessible2 support, offering better integration with screen readers.
- Annotations of text ranges in Writer.
- In-place editing of text fields in Writer.
- Interactive image crop feature for Impress and Draw.
- Enhanced support for 3D charts.
- New language translations: Bulgarian, Danish, Hindi, Norwegian Bokmål and Thai.
- Many bug fixes and smaller improvements as detailed in the Release Notes.
Bug reports can be entered in our Bugzilla database at: https://issues.apache.org/ooo/. Questions and other feedback, good or bad, can be sent to our users mailing list at users@openoffice.apache.org.
After you have tried the Beta for a while we welcome your feed back via our 4.1 Beta Survey.
Thanks in advance to our Beta Testers!