300 Million Downloads of Apache OpenOffice

Category: blog

With great pleasure we have seen that Apache OpenOffice® was downloaded more than 300 million times from 2011 until now, October 24th. Here included are more than 200 million downloads of all releases in the 4.1.x branch. This was reached with our partner SourceForge.net.

Of course there are some other ways like alternative servers hosted by Apache itself. So, actually we don't know these numbers but it is for sure that we are already a lot above the 300 million downloads line. And when we include also the copies on CDs and DVDs then we can add another big number on top.

Currently we are very busy with baking our next release: Apache OpenOffice 4.1.8. Nevertheless, it is worth taking a few minutes to celebrate this milestone.

The following are a few statistics to show some aspects of the numbers.

Downloads from 2011 until today

Downloads by country

Rank   Country/Territory     Downloads
1     United States         51,473,201
2     France                39,933,538
3     Germany               31,890,935
4     Italy                 25,012,883
5     Spain                 15,558,033
6     Russia                13,540,861
7     United Kingdom        13,468,497
8     Japan                 12,944,497
9     Poland                12,796,756
10    Canada                 7,749,657

Downloads by operating system

OS    Downloads
Windows    271,292,988
Macintosh    28,722,672
Linux            4,256,681
