'Apache OpenOffice Weekly News #1'

Category: blog


Translations:  (de)

Welcome to the first edition of Apache OpenOffice Weekly News.  We're experimenting with a new way to give the OpenOffice community a look into the project and what we're doing week-to-week.  We saw another Apache project,  CouchDB, do something similar,  and liked their approach.  So in the open source tradition, we're going to borrow their idea.

The exact format and timing of Apache OpenOffice Weekly News will likely change as we gain more experience with it, and based on your feedback.

Speaking of which, we welcome your feedback.  You can respond with a comment on this blog post, of course.  You can also send an email to our public mailing list: dev@openoffice.apache.org.

From ApacheCon

Major Discussions

OpenOffice websites at Apache clear of "heartbleed" issues.

What percentage of Linux downloads would you expect for Apache OpenOffice?

Proposal to drop tar.gz source code distribution and just do .bz2 for Linux users and .zip for Windows

OpenOffice in the News

"Four Months on, I'm still not using Office for Mac", David Braue on ZDNet.com:  "While I initially turned to OpenOffice as a freely available alternative when I couldn't locate my Office for Mac install disks, the reasons I've stayed with it revolve around reliability and compatibility."

"Apache OpenOffice Extensions Site Gets Social!", Roberto Galoppini reports on some exciting updates from SourceForge to the OpenOffice Extensions and Templates website

"The Apache Software Foundation Announces 100 Million Downloads of Apache™ OpenOffice™", on the ASF's official blog.

"Apache OpenOffice hits major 100 million downloads milestone in under 2 years", in PC World.  "Microsoft's Office may be the go-to productivity suite in the business world, but there's apparently plenty of room out there for challengers to thrive: On Thursday, the Apache Software Foundation announced that the Apache OpenOffice suite has been downloaded a whopping 100 million times."

Slashdot:  Apache OpenOffice Reaches 100 Million Downloads. Now What?